The Fair is the Big Kahuna of local events in this quiet, mostly rural place and many people plan their entire year around fair week in late August.
Many people, but not all. With a dry, sunny stretch I was too busy doing agriculture to spend time at a fair that celebrates agriculture. Not that I'm complaining. After a frustrating early season it felt good to get a bunch of hay baled, cleaning up most of my fields before it was time to chop corn.
Truth is, I haven't been to the fair in many years. Too risky. All those Monster Trucks on the prowl. And you never know when a tsunami of bloomin' onions and fried dough carried on a rogue Slushy wave could sweep you away. Besides I'm prone to panic attacks around population densities that would put Shanghai or Singapore to shame. Just not my thing. Still, I do miss seeing the loving attention the kids dote on their animals and the Alice in Wonderland feel of strolling thru the Fowl Barn. Are these birds real or am I dreaming?
This happened about 13,000 years ago when the Hudson Valley from down where New York City would be all the way north to the snout of the receding glacier held not a river but a huge lake. Morainal deposits to the south formed a dam that backed up the cold, muddy meltwater for hundreds of years. Tributary streams loaded with sediments built up deltas where they entered this lake. Some examples are the Mohawk's delta beneath Schenectady, the Hoosic's near Schaghticoke, a small delta built by the Mettawee near North Granville and the Battenkill's fan shaped creation between Greenwich and Schuylerville.
The delta deposits are level and very well drained making them ideal for a fairground. It's no coincidence that early in its history the fair was located on glacial outwash in Cambridge where similar conditions prevail. Or that the Schaghticoke Fair is on the Hoosic River's delta.
The sands and gravels have been mined by Tracys on Windy Hill Road and used by BJs and the Fort Miller Company. While the soils can be droughty, there is a lot of agriculture on the delta with Hands and BJs to the south of Rt. 29 and large fields of corn and alfalfa in the Bald Mountain area.
A good way to get a feel for the delta is a bike tour. One of my favorites I call "the fairy ring" because it circles the fairgrounds without getting too close, staying out of range of those Monster Trucks. Now that the Dix Bridge is open, Hudson Crossing Park is a good place to start. Alternately, you could begin at the Ice Cream Man because you know what you're going to want at the end of the tour (Almond Joy here I come).
Ride along the top of the delta to a right at the intersection of Co.77. The farm to your left has been preserved by ASA. In a clump of trees across the road is a small brick building that was once a schoolhouse. Heading east the hill in front of you is Bald Mountain. In the 1800's it was quarried for lime and there are still a couple of stone kilns in the woods here. This was a thriving industrial site at the time with the lime being taken a few miles down to the canal at Thompson where it was loaded on barges and shipped to New York City.
Continue on to Middle Falls, where Rt. 29 crosses the Battenkill. Here you can see the river pour over limestone and begin its final descent to the Hudson. Ride on this busy highway for just a short distance to a left onRt. 40 and then a right on Bulson Road. Notice how flat it is. At Wilbur Avenue take a left and then a quick right onto General Fellows Road.
Observe how the resource is being put to varied uses. The Fort Miller Company makes precast concrete products while Hand Melons and BJ Farms have fields along either side of Wilbur Avenue beyond the turn off onto General Fellows. As you ride west you will see a large excavated pit on the left that has become a pond. It reveals the level of the water table and illustrates what a hugh aquifer these deposits are.
At one time both Easton and Greenwich had their landfills on the delta. Times have changed and they are now closed and capped. The rapid percolation of leachate thru sands and gravels created problems.
Eventually you leave the level top and descend the face towards the Hudson, going past Booth's farm and compost operation to an intersection with Co. 113. Turn right and follow the road back to Clarks Mills with the delta's steep front on one side and views of the river and bottomlands on the other.
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